Hi, students. Welcome to our brand new class blog. As a start, I want all of you to write about yourself. You can write anything about yourselves that you think other readers should know. Write as long as you can. Express your feelings and share your ideas. Add your photo as well. Below is the example how you should carry out the task. Happy Writing!
From: Mr. Faisal

Hi, friends! My name is Johan. I am from Kuala Kubu Baru Selangor. My teacher introduced writing activity using a blog. I found that writing in the blog is interesting. I can put any pictures (including my picture) to the blog and share them with any readers from all over the world. I enjoy reading very much. I have a collection of 5 Harry Potter novels. I like them because......
hi sir,may i join your writing class?
O.k. Siti, you can join the writing class but your role is to be the assistant teacher and to correct the students' grammatical mistakes/errors. You can correct mine as well because you got 'A' for your English Grammar subject in MPIP.
Yes, Siti can join. But, Siti must do as what the admin told Siti. I know Siti is a nice girl.
Thank you Siti.
assalamualaikum,and god evening friends my name is adb majid,my age is 14 my school name is smk serendah.i wiil stop now because i have not enough time.bubye:)
assalamualaikum hi friend!my name is mohammad hafiz farhan bin abdul hamid and you can call me hafiz...i am from malaysia...my old is 14 years old...bubye;)
Hai frend my name is Nadira Bte Samri..My nick name dira..
hye........askom!!!!!!!!!my name is mazlan,i 14years old????????
Hye..I'm Siti Nur Amiera Bt Shaiful Bahrin.My age is 14 years old.My birthday is on 10.11.1993 at Hospital Universiti Petaling Jaya.I likes playing netball and swimming.my ambition is lecture or fashion design.
Hye..I'm Siti Nur Amiera Bt Shaiful Bahrin.My age is 14 years old.My birthday is on 10.11.1993 at Hospital Universiti Petaling Jaya.I likes playing netball and swimming.my ambition is lecture or fashion design.
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