Assalamualaikum to all muslim and good evening to all of you.My name is Majid and my friend Yuzairee.Our age is 14,we live in Malaysia.Our home town is Serendah is in Selangor,Selangor is most develpoment and city.Our status are single no wife or girlfriend.Our hobby is playing football my position is midfield,yuzairee position is goal keeper.My favourite food is anything that is halal,yuz favourite food is mother"s cook.
My ambition is want to be pilot what do you

thing about my ambition??this blog make me more interest doing this essay,i am also like to be useful person want i am big to country and religion,want more thing we all must thing what is coming in the future do not think what happend yesterday this will make us to work harder and harder to do one thing,we also must no how to manage time as a student.
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